Friday 17 June 2016

University of Maryland-Baltimore--Baltimore, MD

The University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSON) is a leading program, accredited public care is located in downtown Baltimore, MA. The school, which was founded in 1889, brings together more than 1,700 students and is one of the largest in the nation. According to US News & World Report "ranks 11th among all UMSON nursing schools across the country."

UMSON offers a variety of nursing programs on campus, including Bachelor, Master of Science and doctoral programs and 24 web-based based on a variety of degree options courses.

Law, medicine, social work, pharmacy, dentistry and graduate school: a campus of 61 acres with six other University of Maryland professional schools divided. In addition to its downtown Baltimore campus, the school offers courses in Rockville, MD, of the University of Maryland Regional Center in Shady Grove.

As the largest nursing school in Maryland, the UMSON graduates constitute 40% of the nurses Maryland. This means that the school plays an active role in the placement of students in the forefront of nursing of the state, and recruiters often car school graduates rent. The wide variety of programs available, means that graduates from nursing school will organize all kinds of health posts.

After 2013, "State School" School Annual Report, the nation experienced a growth of 93% in the number of registered nurses (RN) degree in nursing (BSN) in the last five years that the importance is increasing the BSN programs. Accordingly UMSON largely focused on the growth of their RN to BSN program, so they can demand is high, quality nurses continue to produce. In 2020, the country 80% of nurses have a bachelor's degree or more, so that the Bachelor program UMSON very useful for research postgraduate work itself.

For those who get a nursing degree, UMSON provides several ways. The program offers a BSN degree with two options, one for those who have a previous degree and for those who already have their RN degree and are now looking to get their BSN.

postgraduate options are many opportunities for interdisciplinary study areas and personalized. The Masters, the school offers various specialized master's degree in clinical nursing leadership (CNL), the degree of RN to MS and several options for students, such as the certification of Environmental Health, Global Health, Care computer science and nursing education in the medical profession. At the level of promotion, the school offers a doctoral program, a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) and a post-BSN level / Input DNP channels.

In addition to the courses on campus Maryland provides that UMSON also offers several online nursing programs, through electronic form the Campus Southern Regional Council. Students can enrolled in the online program choose several different areas. For students, the school offers an online degree program in Nursing RN-BSN. Studies are also available online for several courses. The program graduates can in certification programs, attend basic practical courses and additional support for physics courses on campus.

What distinguishes them from other top schools UMSON care in the country? For starters, an excellent location. The proximity of the school in Washington, DC and its location in downtown Baltimore means that students can be found on a variety of clinical practices and opportunities to participate in the cultural and political initiatives related. They also have access to an enormous wealth of cultural opportunities, ethnic food and entertainment.

The region has a diverse urban community and easy access to outdoor views and idyllic, South Anne Arundel County offers around the sea and fresh seafood, while the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains are only a walker for 2 hours. In addition, the beaches of Maryland and Delaware over a 2.5-hour drive can be reached, and cities such as New York and Philadelphia are easy to reach by bus.

The central location of the school means that UMSON is well networked with other universities and educational programs in the region and work with other institutions often. The school liaises with "more than 300 hospitals and healthcare facilities in Maryland," and is also part of Network, an association of regional institutions, cultural events, and shuttle service to students from the Baltimore area. Students can find the service trips to other universities in The region, visit free lectures, meet other students and learn about cultural events to find. This means that UMSON the students are to take over friendships and form (and jobs) in a number of regional hospitals, clinics and universities.

The state of the art and cutting possibilities of clinical simulation equipment show why UMSON to 11 US News & World Report ranking Best increased national nursing schools. The school has a building of 154,000 square meters in Baltimore and 24 clinical laboratory stimulation through various locations. These laboratories, known as clinical laboratories Debra L. Spunt stimulation "replicating realistic practice settings, including the base hospital, intensive care, surgical / operative, paediatrics, neonatal, maternity, home care, and health assessment to set." You are one of-a-kind, students to teach the measure.

The school has a variety of collaborative outreach initiatives, has positioned itself as a leading partner in the field of health care / Baltimore DC area. These organizations differ in scope, keeps visiting professors and professional training modules (Nurses Association Komen Maryland Affiliate) clinical sites to provide and practical experience in area hospitals (MedStar Health). The school also prepares students in remaining active profit in local health projects work to be successful. For example, founded in 1994, the governor Well Mobile program, is "a mobile primary health care model that manages nurse developed to serve the uninsured population and underserved deeply Maryland." Such initiatives defined UMSON Unlike other programs, provides clinical experience in the real world, and stresses the importance of community service and health care in communities across the country.

UMSON also stands as one of the best nursing schools in the country, focusing on the possibilities of interdisciplinary research and in collaboration with six other professionals on the campus of the Baltimore schools. This means that the School of Nursing and students interact to develop advanced interdisciplinary research initiatives with the law, medicine, social work, pharmacy, dentistry and universities.

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